Serious car crash injures both driver and passenger

Charles & Manuel car crash with severe injuries

This claim involved a motor vehicle accident settlement with a negligent driver and clients’ Underinsured Motorists (UIM) insurance. Charles and Manuel were driving on a quiet road in Issaquah, when suddenly a driver behind the wheel of an oncoming SUV crashed into their car. Both sustained injuries but never expected the size of the settlement…

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Confidential pedestrian v. driver – $490,000

Picture of Fremont Bridge where Fleming Law pedestrian injury client suffered after car hit

Seattle software developer was walking to his job, when a driver hit him with their car near the Fremont Bridge. He lost weeks of work and time to enjoy with his family for the entire summer and fall of 2019. After the injured pedestrian was taken to the hospital, his family contacted Catherine Fleming to…

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SDOT wants to engage!

SDOT Engagement Map

Love SDOT’s Find It Fix It app? I do! Now, SDOT has rolled out its Engagement Hub. This is your time to make your voice heard.  My favorite is the interactive map that allows multiple folks to comment on known and hazardous road conditions. Try it! Document issues about problem spots with SDOT.

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Who needs AOC? WA senator for safer roads and rails

Senator photo

Did you hear about the $13.8 million for Western WA to improve rail infrastructure and to prevent landslides? How about her discussion yesterday at the Spokane National Weather Service about improving fire forecasting tools?  In her mild mannered way, she’s successfully pushed for safer roads, rail and communities. Sure, AOC has a flashier way that grabs people’s attention. Maybe…

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Part 1: Seattle street cars and bicyclists

Accident photo at 14th & Jackson

If you ride your bike anywhere in Seattle, you know about road hazards. Potholes, major elevation changes, and streetcar tracks are all bad news. These road hazards cause bicyclists to fall before they can do anything to stop it. Aside from a stream of buses that often share bike paths, Seattle bicyclists must contend with drivers…

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Seattle’s latest transportation plan, “STP3”

Seattle latest transportation plan graphic

For years, the folks who aren’t crazy about bike commuters have complained about Seattle spending too much money, space and resources to its Bicycle Master Plan (BMP). The BMP has served as the main reference for SDOT to plan and design bike projects in the City. The goals were great and lofty. Let’s reduce greenhouse…

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News you can use: You are not always at fault when you hit someone from the rear

Car Fault video

When this articulate, bright, and warm woman first contacted Fleming Law about her car accident injuries, she worried about the fact that she was the driver who was behind the negligent driver.  Everyone knows that the driver in a motor vehicle collision who is in the rear is immediately determined at fault. Do you think that’s how…

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Is your insurance company acting in bad faith?

Claim Denied Image

When we make regular payments for our insurance premium, we believe that  our insurance company will be there for us when we need them most.  Right?  After all, isn’t that why we spend thousands of dollars every year on insurance? Like a friend, we expect our insurance company to respond in good faith. Unfortunately, when clients…

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