$5.75 Million – Two Bicyclists Crashed Along Streetcar Rails

In 2019 there were 2 separate incidents that took place South Jackson Street. Janet Ball and Eric Boris were both riding West on South Jackson Street and both times their wheels became stuck in the grooved rails of the Streetcar tracks.
On July 22, 2019, Eric Boris was on his commute home to West Seattle on South Jackson Street. He passed some buses when one pulled into traffic causing him to pass on the left side. Because busses pick up passengers in a curbside pocket then re-enter the right general lane, it pushed him to merge into traffic into the left lane over the streetcar tracks. Now worried about the cars behind him, Mr. Boris tried to return to the right lane when his tire got caught on the tracks and he fell into the right lane of traffic in front of the bus, resulting in a fractured clavicle. Mr. Boris has since had to quit his job as a Window Washer as arm movements above his shoulder remain painful.
On September 25, 2019, Janet Ball was bicycling with four other women, and changed lanes to avoid a bus line up on Jackson. Ms. Ball approached the complicated intersection of Fifth and Jackson focusing on which lane was most appropriate for her to choose on the far side of Fifth street and her front tire unexpectedly fell into the rails of the streetcar tracks. Ms. Ball landed on the street, unable to walk and suffered head and pelvis injuries, which requires care from her husband. Janet Ball, now 72, was an avid rider completing group rides to Portland and Vancouver B.C. but now suffers from the long-term condition of partial paralysis. Ms. Ball and her Husband Bobby have since moved to a single story home in Florida, where they can be closer to relatives to help assist with her care.
Unfortunately the city did not admit liability and did not pledge specific street changes as part of the settlement even though danger to bicyclists in the Seattle area remains.
You can read the full article by The Seattle Times Here!